GPT4 vs GPT4o

Is GPT-4o better than GPT-4?

OpenAI introduced GPT-4o on May 13, 2024, a significant upgrade in the series of generative pre-trained transformers. Let’s explore the capabilities and improvements this new model offers compared to its predecessors. And let’s compare if GPT-4o better than GPT-4 or not.

Question 1: “write a short python game.”



Utilizes a structured approach with a defined number of attempts (10), giving players a clear constraint and increasing the challenge. It provides immediate feedback if a guess is out of bounds and adjusts the number of attempts only for valid guesses. This setup encourages strategic thinking as players must manage their limited attempts wisely.


Operates with an unlimited number of attempts, counting the tries until the correct number is guessed. This version provides a simpler user interface, focusing solely on whether the guess is too high or too low without penalizing for out-of-bounds or invalid inputs by not counting them as attempts. It results in a potentially more relaxed gameplay experience, as there is no immediate pressure from limited attempts.


GPT-4 is better suited for players who enjoy a challenge and strategic gameplay due to its finite attempts and strict input validation. It engages players more actively in managing their resources (attempts) and provides a clear endpoint to the game, which can feel more rewarding and competitive. GPT-4o, however, is preferable for casual players or beginners who might appreciate the endless attempts and a more forgiving approach towards guessing, focusing purely on the act of guessing rather than managing game mechanics.

Question 2: “Give me a CSS to disable a button.”



Provides a CSS class .disabled-button that explicitly disables button interactions and changes the visual appearance with a lower opacity and a cursor indicating the button is not usable. The use of a class makes it flexible for application to any button or element by simply adding the class in the HTML structure.


Offers a CSS pseudo-class button:disabled that applies styles directly to all disabled <button> elements. This approach automatically styles buttons that have the HTML disabled attribute, making it less flexible but more streamlined if you consistently use the HTML disabled attribute for disabling buttons. The style changes include background and text color modifications in addition to cursor and opacity changes.


GPT-4’s approach is more flexible, allowing developers to apply the disabling style to any element by adding a class, which is useful in scenarios where you cannot or do not want to use the HTML disabled attribute. It provides direct control over when and how the style is applied. The 4o approach, however, is cleaner for scenarios where the disabled attribute is consistently used, automatically applying styles without additional class management, which can simplify CSS management in larger projects where the disabled state correlates strictly with the semantic disabled attribute.

Question 3: “Write me an open world RPG game background story.”



This narrative immerses players in the vast and intricately detailed world of Eldoria, characterized by its rich diversity in environments and complex political dynamics among four distinct kingdoms. The story centers on an adventurer with a unique resistance to a dark corruptive force, aligning their personal growth with the overarching fate of the world. The player’s actions directly impact the game’s political landscape and multiple endings, providing a deep sense of agency and consequence in gameplay.


The story unfolds in Elaria, a world where magic and technology once coexisted harmoniously but now lies in disarray due to the ambitions of a rogue mage. The player starts as an orphan in a protected village, destined to explore a world filled with factions, ancient beasts, and chaos. This setting offers a classic hero’s journey with a focus on restoring balance and peace, driven by choices that shape the world’s future, similar to GPT-4 but with a stronger emphasis on the fusion of technology and magic.


Both narratives feature a protagonist with a special ability crucial to resolving world-threatening crises, emphasizing player choice and its impact on the world. GPT-4 offers a more complex political intrigue among multiple kingdoms and diverse environments, appealing to players who enjoy detailed world-building and intricate plots. 4o focuses on a blend of magic and technology with a clear division between good and evil, potentially appealing to those who prefer a straightforward narrative with elements of technological integration in a magical world. Both provide a rich, open-world experience but cater to slightly different player preferences regarding story complexity and thematic focus.

Answer Comparison

write a short python game.
Give me a CSS to disable a button.
Write me an open world RPG game background story.

Final Thoughts

Overall, GPT-4 offers better functionality in all three cases—storytelling, gameplay, and coding—by providing more flexibility, depth, and control. Its approaches cater to users seeking detailed interaction and complex narratives in games, as well as developers needing precise customization in coding scenarios.