Google Gemini AI Terms of Service

What You Need to Know about the Terms of Service for Google Gemini Free API


When signing up for Google Gemini API’s free API key, it’s essential to be aware of the specific terms of service that apply. Effective from May 14, 2024, these conditions dictate how users can and cannot use the API, emphasizing compliance with broader Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service and the Gemini API Additional Terms of Service.

Key Terms and Conditions Summary

1. Age Requirements:

  • Users must be at least 18 years old.
  • The API should not be used within applications targeting or likely to be accessed by minors (under 18).

2. Use Restrictions:

  • While API clients can be used in production, Google may impose rate limits to manage server loads.
  • Services labeled as “Preview” cannot be used in production environments.
  • The API is geographically restricted; usage is only permitted within certain regions, especially concerning data protection regulations in the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, and the UK.
  • The creation of competitive models using the API or extraction of underlying model details is strictly prohibited.

3. Safety and Compliance:

  • Users must adhere to Google’s Prohibited Use Policy, ensuring the API is not used for harmful or illegal activities.
  • Safety features are built into the API to prevent misuse, and these should not be bypassed.

4. Generated Content:

  • Google does not claim ownership of content generated through the API. However, it retains the right to generate similar content for other users.

5. Paid Services:

  • If using paid services under the API, the billing and payments are managed through Google Cloud Billing, and users must comply with those terms.

Practical Implications for Users

  • Compliance: Users must ensure they are not only using the API within the legal bounds set by Google but also in compliance with local laws and regulations concerning data privacy and technology use.
  • Content Ownership: Users should be aware that while they own the generated content, Google can create similar outputs for other customers, which could lead to content redundancy.
  • Safety Settings: The default safety settings should not be altered unless absolutely necessary, as this could expose the user to risks of non-compliance with Google’s safety standards.
  • Geographical Limitations: The API’s functionality might be limited based on the user’s location, particularly in the EEA, Switzerland, and the UK, due to specific data governance regulations.


It’s crucial for potential users of the Google Gemini API to understand these terms fully before integrating the API into their systems. Compliance not only ensures the smooth operation of their applications but also guards against potential legal issues that could arise from misuse or misunderstanding of the service terms.